Dear Stranger

an extension of the short film "Dear Stranger" and its major thematic element: Fantasy


List of Fantasy Submissions

1) Started with Kelly talking about a fantasy person helping her better express herself.
2) My reflection on how fantasies had helped me with tragedies (and started all of this).
3) Rachel fantasized herself as a younger, more freer person who was more in touch with nature.
4) Fantasy by Anonymous #1: To be successful so as to be accepted by own family.
5) Treasure wished to reclaim that joy before it all got so serious.
6) Carla fantasized the ultimate creative environment.
7) Trev fantasized the ideal woman for him.
8) Fantasy by Anonymous #2: Wished she had a chance to do something over again with a guy.
9) Fantasy by Anonymous #3: Fantasized about his wonder woman.
10) Fantasy by Anonymous #4: "She is a woman, but only technically..."
11) Fantasy by Anonymous #5: An Atheist talks to God.
12) Fantasy by Anonymous #6: Wanting it all.
13) Fantasy by "Lucky Seven": A living Father

KEEP THEM COMING! This page will be updated as I receive more submissions. I am also attaching a link to this page on the sidebar so you can easily find it.



Video - Rosie & Stranger make love

Watch the video

The video is an old version of a scene when Rosie and the Stranger make love, it is towards the end of the film. This version featured music that is not in the film, the music is "Venice Queen" by the Red Hot Chilli Peppers.

There were couple of issues: we had no rights to the music or the money to get it. It did not fit well with the other music that was composed for the film. And I think the final music did a better job of staying true to the film.



What I learned from making Dear Stranger (Pt 2)

  • The actual improv's were good but they did not transfer well on the day of the shoot. Maybe it is best kept for day of the shoot.
  • With directing actors, don't be afraid to repeat yourself. Not everything has to be new. Convince through sheer repetition. Actually describe key plot points even if it is obvious.
  • I am confused when they ask me a question? Whether to answer fully or have them investigate, no way came out on top.
  • You should have asked Steve about possibly changing his hair color, his current look was perfect.
  • Not enough cutaways were prepared prior to shoot. Don't wait for editing or even at the day of the shoot. The best cutaways were the ones that were prepared in advance.
  • If you are not prepared, you come into work afraid, feeling like a idiot, apologetic, in a haze. If you are not prepared in some aspect, get over it quickly. State that you are not prepared, tell people you need help. That makes them aggressive in trying to help you which is good.
  • Try as hard as you can to create longer shots, even if the scene does not need it. Easier to cut it down than elongating it with slow mo.
  • Do not hide behind the camera. Even there is a little break in the shooting. Set the camera down and talk to the actors. They prefer talking without the camera in your hands. They probably think they have more time to discuss and thus are more relaxed.
  • There is no perfect casting. You have to develop the role for the actor as you develop them for the role. Some sweet spot in the middle is what you are looking for.


What I learned from making Dear Stranger (Pt 1)

  • Emotionally hard scenes take longer. They just do. Schedule a lot of time to relax and to sink in the surroundings. So if an emotional scene is half hour to shoot, double it. Don't rush these scenes in terms of schedule.
  • Get help! Get help with anything and everything way before you can shoot.
  • Though the actors do not like it, letting the camera roll while they interact is wonderful. They look natural.
  • Surprisingly, the lack of extra's was not that big of a problem. Don't worry yourself silly about such things. If you don't have everything, focus on cutaways. Build little pieces.
  • Pacing is not present when directing. I create it in my editing. Not good.
  • Get sound whenever you can, even if the scene is silent.
  • Not enough attention to foreground. When you do, it is beautiful.
  • With Crew and Actors: get people that are excited. Don't demand their commitment because they will surely break it. If they are excited, that is important. People stuck because they were excited. Not because of commitments. This might change when you pay them but as of right now, get people who are excited. They will commit. Don't ask for it, if you have to, then they will surely disappoint.


Michael "The Stranger" Photo's

I had asked the actors to send their headshots. Michael "The Stranger" was the last to reply but when he did he sent in abundance. He asked to post all the pics.


Fantasy submitted by Anonymous #3

When i was asked to write about my fantasy one of the biggest obstacles i had was to pick among the many that pop into my head on a daily basis. But as i thought more about it i found one that i've had since i was a kid and still think about.

It is the idea of finding a friend, a lover, a parter, an accomplice in arms that will love me unconditionally for who i am. and someone whom i can love with the same intensity dispite the smallest inperfections. so that one day i too can have a place i can call home and be able to share it with my wife and kids.sometimes that fantasy seems just that, something unatainable something i can only dream about. for i am in my twenties and have never had a serious girlfriend and the idea of love is a bit frightning. not only because feelings change but it's also the notion of having someone know all about you. it's something that frightens me to no end and maybe thats part of the reason i've never had a lasting relationship. The good news is that i'm aware of the problem and i'm slowly trying to change.

To put a face on my dream woman i'd have to say she has to have wild beautiful eyes that i could stare at with no end. Eyes that are both strong and fragile. eyes that can convey sadness, hope, excitement. that are attractive cheerful, calm, happy, and inviting. Eyes that know what they want but can also stand down when not necessary. And behind these eyes is a beautiful woman who is strong, intelligent, independent, caring, and takes charge when the situation demands it. A tall blonde, red haired or brunnete with eyes of clear ocean blue, or green emiralds with sparks of yellow sunlight. is it asking for too much? it probably is, but it is my dream and it will be grand. And one of the women who helped shape my fantasy was linda carter, yeah thats right ms wonder woman. she was probably one of the first females i had a crush on. She has the brown hair, blue eyes and such a sweet innocent look to her. i just couldn't help tunning in every week and see her fight crime.

- Submitted by Anonymous #3