Dear Stranger

an extension of the short film "Dear Stranger" and its major thematic element: Fantasy


Fantasy submitted by Anonymous #4

In my dreams there is a girl. She is a woman, but only technically. She is not jaded like others, or at least finds a place to hide it away. She finds a place to hide mine away, too. She has ideas and dreams loftier than mine that she speaks of endlessly but will most likely never achieve, instead spends her time knitting, watching movies, and making music. She paints. We talk a lot, all the time, and hours melt away, but we are never aware of ourselves during the conversation while it's happening. I am less aware of things in general, things that ruin themselves when they're realized. She loves the sky and orange leaves but doesn't feel sad when I can't find the beauty in them the same way she does. She lets me discover my own beauty. She is never cold and never allows coldness to enter my eyes. They speak volumes to her. She knows what bothers her about me and rolls her eyes. She isn't really bothered. I am the same way. She is tall, but not too tall. Tall enough so her forehead lines up with my lips when we stand together. She leans in slightly. She makes it easy on me.

- Submitted by Anonymous #4


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is soooo funny... Kelly is such a sport :)
I think you guys could become inventors too.

4:38 PM  

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