Dear Stranger

an extension of the short film "Dear Stranger" and its major thematic element: Fantasy


The Process

It is an amazing how much time transpires before a 15 min film is completed. Around August 2004, I decided to make Dear Stranger and because I was moving to North Carolina at the end of September, I had very little time to prepare and shoot. Pretty much, I was shooting the day before I left. Once I landed in NC, I had work as an editor on a TV show which sucked time out of my life. It was not till June when I really started to edit Dear Stranger. Then I stopped editing because work caught up in November and December. I won't see the film till January where I will mix the sound and finally be done.

It makes me sad thinking about this. I like working fast because I want to keep pace with my ideas and projects when they are affecting me. I love the short format but it takes as long as a feature film. Well, not really but the length of production is not proportional to the length of the film. Do I keep making shorts or do I go ahead and plan the feature? One will happen (however long) and the other could never happen but if it did happen it could possibly be fulfilling in a way that I have never experienced before.



Blogger km said...

Hi, Ajit,

Found your blog via DVguru where I was reading your interview with John August. Excellent interview, btw.

I hope you do get to making that full-length feature soon!


4:56 PM  

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